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Dangerous Cargo Handling

€168.75 EUR (incl. VAT)

Course Type:
Additional STCW courses
Training School:
Brodsko upravljanje D.O.O / Ship managment L.t.d
Split, Croatia
3 days

This course is intended for all persons who manage and supervise the handling of dangerous goods, both on board and in port as they must be specially trained in the handling of dangerous goods, and under the Croatian Law on Dangerous Goods must be over 21 years of age, and persons working with dangerous goods because they must be aware of the dangers and measures for safe operation.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand the important physical and chemical properties of hazardous and noxious substances, the classification of hazardous and noxious substances and materials possessing chemical hazards, including Classes 1-9 of Hazardous Substances according to the IMDG Regulations and the hazards associated with each class.

Course content:

  • Introduction - purpose and purpose of the course
  • Review of current developments and general interpretations
  • Convention
  • IMO and hazardous substances
  • IMDG policy
  • Classification-Physical and Chemical Properties
  • Classification-UN system How we apply it
  • Classification-IMDG Class
  • Packaging and Tank Requirements
  • Packaging Construction and Testing - IBCS and Portable Tanks
  • Delivery procedures
  • Quantity limit
  • Transport
  • IMDG Policy Supplement
  • Safe transport and Storage of dangerous goods in ports
  • Changes in the future

Enrollment conditions

  • Identity card or passport
  • 1 color image

The student who successfully completes the course will receive a certificate of participation, and after successfully passing the exam at the Harbor Master's Office, the student will receive a Certificate of Competence in Dangerous Goods, issued by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.

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Brodsko upravljanje D.O.O / Ship managment L.t.d

114. Brigade 12

Tel: (+385) 021558547
Email: send message

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